These are icons of the various Amazon AWS services. It is current as of Jan. 2017. They're from SVG files and should scale easily.

AWS Simple Icons

Entity relationship diagrams are used to model the relationships between the various elements when designing a database.

Entity Relationship Diag…

A collection of Google Cloud Platform icons used for GCP architectural drawings.

Google Cloud Platform Ic…

Colorful data source icons for software architecture diagrams

Data Sources

Font Awesome gives you 605 scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done…

Font Awesome Icons

Google Material Icons are beautifully crafted, delightful, and easy to use in your web, Android, and iOS projects. Material design icons ar…

Google Material Design I…

Stencils for planning micro services architectures. Forked from: kavkaz

Microservices Architectu…

A set of objects for creating a UML sequence diagram Created by: The Omni Group

UML - Sequence

Stencils to use for modelling a software system, based on Simon Brown's C4 model. These stencils support the Context, Container, and Compon…


Generic phone, tablet, watch, and desktop devices. Created by UX Kits.

UX Kits Hardware

Incomplete set of Fortinet Icon library of 2017-01-01 (originally available here: …

Fortinet Icon Library

A set of objects for creating a UML State diagram Created by: The Omni Group

UML - State

Fork of a previous microservice stencil, with additional apps.

microservices dmurvihill…

An SOA specific modelling language derived from previous generations of modelling languages like UML. It's a small and simple set of elemen…

Chuck SOA Modelling Elem…

Unified Modeling Language allows you to visualize the design of software and other systems. Created by UX Kits for the Omni Group.


Use Case UML stencil.

UML - Use Case

Express your integration using entreprise integration pattern (EIP). This is taken from the Enterprise integration pattern book written by …